KBRG Community Meeting on Geocon Proposal

COVID-safe community meeting at Canberra Baptist Hall

We had 40 people (plus a wait list) attend last night’s community meeting to discuss the Geocon proposal for Giles Street Kingston. The meeting had guest speakers including experts in planning and heritage, a statement from the Kingston Traders Group and local residents representing Giles and Howitt Street. Both ACT Planning and Purdon Planning declined our invitation to present and participate in the Q and A session. Minutes will be posted shortly. Three motions passed at the meeting were:

  1. The meeting supports sympathetic and innovative development in Kingston that contributes to our local amenity, community and economy.
  2. The meeting considers that the consultation process undertaken by Geocon has not been in the spirit of the pre-DA guidelines and is unacceptable. We advise Geocon to submit a revised proposal incorporating the feedback of the NCDRP, the community and our Local Member and Chief Minister Andrew Barr, and then undertake a new consultation process.
  3. The meeting calls on the ACT Government to ensure any proposal for this site meets all planning codes, rules and regulations and addresses community and business concerns with height, plot ratio, set back, solar access and privacy of nearby neighbours, green space, parking and traffic and attention to heritage issues.